Fair Day Apple Watch Winner Announced….
Well our Fair Day Promotion was good fun and an eye opener as well, I was surprised at the amount of die-hard Android loyalists that didn’t want to know about a free Apple Watch!
We’re pleased to announce that the winner of the 5pm barrel draw was Nimrod Weiner a local Chiropractor and already a client of David Jones – The Electrician.
For those of you Apple fans who missed out this time, read on. Part 2 of the Fair Day Competition is open to everyone and runs for 3 months.
All you have to do is book and pay for a job valued at $495 or more (inc GST) before the 21st of May 2016, to go into the draw to win an Apple MacBook Pro. The winner will be drawn at 5pm on Monday the 23rd of May 2016 and publicised the following day, including a video of the draw put on our web site.
So have a think. If you’ve been putting off electrical work and would like the chance to win a new MacBook Pro (sorry you PC lovers), call our office on 95198245 to make a booking or arrange a free quote.
For terms and conditions please visit